In the national interest

Peter Dutton must have felt smugly euphoric as 2024 drew to a close. After all, the Liberal leader had completed another successful year of his well-publicised racial vilification of minority groups. And more! After beginning the year in the electoral doldrums, he had dragged himself into real contention for the prime ministership at this year’s election.

Appealing to voters who love to hate is obviously the winning formula for this man who is unconcerned about the truth or ethics, let alone interracial harmony in the national interest. 

Mind you, he hasn’t achieved this on his own – his dear friends in the far-right media have assisted, with their inglorious prejudices on full display. 

Bringing race-hate discourse to the forefront brings out the very worst in people, and Dutton preys on it – a sickening reminder of Donald Trump who has made an artform of racism. 

Meanwhile, decent and honourable Australians look on in dismay. In the process, the nation becomes divided, exactly according to plan. After all, the politics of division are the province of the conservative far-right.

For John Smith, citizen, the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person because of his or her race, colour, descent, national origin or ethnic origin, or immigrant status.

For Peter Dutton, parliamentarian, it is apparently reasonable to dehumanise targeted groups for his own political ends – and in so doing, foster hatred on a national scale. Such is the absurdity of parliamentary privilege.

Dutton was once a Queensland policeman, presumably enforcing the law and keeping himself on the outside of the slammer.

As a federal politician, he is dangerous. It would be in the national interest to have him locked up. 


Jenna Price: ‘Dutton is a world class hater’

Human Rights Commission considers discrimination complaint against Peter Dutton over Gaza comments

Parliamentary privilege – APH

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