Good evening and thanks for joining us. You look ridiculous.
You need all the joining you can get. You at the ABC are falling apart. Funding cuts must be taking their toll if they employ cheap shots like you to throw cheap shots at people like me.
You are making a mockery of your role as opposition leader.
I did not come here to be insulted.
Why? Where do you normally go?
I have come here for a serious political interview, not a Marx Brothers routine. And by the way, I’ll do the gags.
With due respect Mr Shorten, it was you who started this fiasco in Marxisms.
Are you accusing me of being a Marxist?
I think I am losing the will to live.

Christine Milne – it’s not easy being Greens Leader

For Christine, it’s tears of blood over logging, but John Williamson’s hit song has helped the cause:

Over the hill they go, killing another mountain
Gotta fill the quota – can’t go slow
Huge machinery wiping out the scenery
One big swipe like a shearer’s blow
Rip rip woodchip – turn it into paper
Throw it in the bin, no news today
Stirs my blood – gonna make a stand
~ Lyrics in part from the hit ‘Rip Rip Woodchip’
Full lyrics

The official video on YouTube

Media release authorised by Christine Milne (27  October 2010):
Release in full

Joe’s unpalatable budget cuts for quick sale – wicked!

Budget butcher Joe Hockey tries to make his wicked cuts look palatable – nice try Joe!

Link to related column published in The Sydney Morning Herald on 11 August 2014:


Joe Hockey has been urged to reboot his budget and scrap the unpopular $7 GP co-payment, with former Liberal treasurer Peter Costello saying governments have to cut their losses.
The Treasurer is struggling to convince crossbenchers to back his budget, with key measures such as the Medicare co-payment and welfare changes facing defeat.

George Brandis saves the planet


Would Senator George Brandis dare dispute Einstein’s Theory of Relativity?

Brandis: E = mc2 etc is just a maze of formulas that has nothing to do with reality. And if it has nothing to do with reality, it must be right … right?

Einstein: Wrong … “every action has an equal and opposite reaction”, so that’s my reaction to you.

Brandis: So you agree with me … every opinion has an equal and opposite right to be opposed … right?

Einstein: Wrong … opinions based on evidence outweigh medieval and ignorant opinions.

Brandis: You are medieval and ignorant … right?

Einstein: Wrong … I am an enlightened genius.

Brandis: Genius my arse, you authoritarian tyrant of political correctness. You scientists need to get a grip on unreality. Here’s my tip … get a haircut, get a real job and engage at an intellectual level. 

23 April 2014

So, Senator George Brandis says people who believe the science is settled on climate change are “ignorant and medieval”.

And the reason: “the cultural tyranny of political correctness” which is apparently “sheer authoritarianism”. Climate change deniers are victims it seems, denied the opportunity of intellectual engagement.

And Penny Wong is apparently the “high priestess of political correctness” for daring to say that the science is settled on climate change, according to Mr Brandis.

Now there’s a turn up! Accusing a lesbian Opposition Senator of Asian descent in a same-sex partnership with an adopted daughter, guilty of political correctness when xenophobia, misogyny and homophobia are cumulative synonyms for Brandis’ own party.

George has now taken the convolution of political correctness versus incorrectness to previously unimagined farce.

Trouble is – apart from him being our Federal Attorney-General with the responsibility that goes with the job – he lives in a dream world where reality is just an inconvenient distraction.

After all, who needs the overwhelmimg majority of scientists who say our planet is perilously threatened, when Andrew Bolt says they are wrong.

Andrew has the right to freedom of speech – hence softening Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act – and freedom of speech is more important than anything but anything – even the planet itself.

So, according to the logic of George, if there is freedom of speech, there will be no climate change. Simple!

So a big thanks to Senator George Brandis for changing Section 18C. That masterstroke will save the planet.

In no time, the ice caps will re-form, extinct species will reappear and sea levels will fall – not that they ever rose – and climate change will be exposed as leftist conspiracy to subvert the right to free speech.

What a relief! All that fuss about nothing. Ah, it’s so nice to be relaxed and comfortable in a medieval and ignorant Australia!

Hanson-Young – tears and fears for refugees

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young is well known for her compassion towards refugees

Link to related column published in The Age 19 December 2014


Genuine refugees suffer on Nauru as the government works to break their spirits.

Backtrack to June 2012 ~ ABC News video of an emotional Hanson-Young wiping away tears in the Senate as she recounts the story of a young asylum seeker.