In a recent Australian National University (ANU) study into democracy in Australia, 48.8% of respondents agreed that politicians are corrupt.

Certain unwise parliamentarians are attempting to debunk the figure, and so, stupidly proving what they are trying to disprove – mistrust.

48.8% is an unflattering statistic and begs the question: Who would want to be a politician with the associated stigma?

Here we have a candidate who is not phased:


Nearly half of all Australian voters think politicians are corrupt. So, I’m your man to fit the bill for what you have come to expect of pollies. 

After an illustrious bureaucratic career, specialising in government projects and private sector graft, I am as crooked as you can get.

I am not standing for this seat for the nice salary and all the perks – I am already filthy rich. I have decided to become philanthropic and make a hero of myself.

As your local MP, I will build a state-of-the-art public hospital, in my name, as quickly as you can say, “Honest John gets things done”. I already have the necessary multimillions of dollars in a certain European bank. 

I won’t get caught for dirty money – it has been well and truly laundered. Who needs scruples when you have a candidate like me?

I might be crooked, but I know you don’t care because I will get things done for you.



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