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The dinner party hostess offers nibblies to a male guest

Guest: I checked your kitchen earlier and I am not impressed.

Hostess: How dare you!

Guest: You should be ashamed. Most of these offerings contain unethical palm oil from Malaysia and Indonesia where, you know damn well, the orangutan is seriously threatened because of deforestation for palm oil plantations. 

Hostess: Will you shut up, you warm-fuzzy, leftie, greenie do-gooder.

Guest: You people just want everything to be so nice. You want nice conversation and don’t want to discuss your own complicity in species extinction.

Guests collectively: Groan

Hostess: You are ruining my dinner party.

Guest: Elephants, tigers and rhinos are critically endangered too, you know.

A blow to the head by a large solid silver food platter resulted in hospitalisation of the guest. 

The hostess has been charged with assault.



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