A bedtime story:

Once upon a time, Australia was called the ‘land of the fair go’, and its people were proud of this national badge of honour. 

The ‘fair go’ was an unwritten social contract that bred fairness, trust, respect and cohesion across communities, institutions and the business world. The social contract was the oil that lubricated society. 

Alas, something rotten crept into the national culture. It was a new big-business ethos, driven by mean-spirited greed. In 2018, the terrible behaviour of the finance sector was exposed by a royal commission. When people heard that the Commonwealth Bank had charged dead clients for financial advice, there was outrage. Countless more awful examples of unethical profiteering were revealed.

From this, and personal experiences, the citizens of Australia became cynically distrustful, not just of business, but society in general. The national badge of honour was under siege.

With the breakdown in trust, people became socially withdrawn, thinking more about self-preservation and much less about the welfare of others. The magical ‘fair go’ lubricating oil had dried up, taking even basic human respect and decency with it.

The ‘land of the fair go’ was no more.

Child’s response:

What a crock of shit! When I grow up, I want to be a ruthless business tycoon earning megabucks, living in a huge mansion with a tennis court and indoor pool – and I’ll have a fleet of luxury cars – one for each day of the week.

I don’t care what it takes – that’s what I want even if I make people suffer because of my heartless greed and zero ethical standards. 

Being a nice person hasn’t got you very far, has it mum? You’ve always worked in child welfare and what do you have to show for it?  

Our house is a dump, and I’m embarrassed to be seen in that old bomb you call a car. Sure, you’re a single mother with three kids, but that’s no excuse.

I want to be a success – not a failure like you.





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