All too often, women who are only even slightly overweight, are out-and-out rejects in the eyes of sexist ockers who dismally fail the same test.
The hypocrisy is breathtaking, but these blokes apparently do not realise it. Are they totally self-delusional? Anything less than perfection in female appearance is unacceptable, but they are typically far from Prince Charming themselves.
As if women need to fear rejection by these men in whom they would have absolutely no interest.
I have witnessed this deluded behaviour many times. I always see red, and say something like, “You are not exactly Tom Cruise yourself, if you don’t mind”. Reactions are usually stunned, quizzical looks of puzzlement. They just don’t get it.
How could any woman possibly resist these classic male chauvinists, complete with beer guts, stubbie shorts, smelly armpits, rough language, and usually accompanied by clones, who are always called “mate”?
The answer: Very easily.