Peta Credlin Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister Wikipedia Julie Bishop Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party Wikipedia
Hello my dear Liberal Party switchboard operator. Please put me through to NBN Co – that’s the National Broadband Network Company – if my carrier pigeon didn’t arrive there 30…
Tanya Plibersek speaks up about gender inequality
Tanya Plibersek will not be silenced on the issue of gender inequality “Gender inequality has been a driver of the women’s movement for many years; and economic inequality is inextricable…
Scott Morrison hits back at UN criticism on refugees
Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has hit back at UN criticism of Australia’s treatment of asylum seekers Morrison hits back:Actual quote: “The most flagrant abuse of human rights I am aware…
Christine Milne – it’s not easy being Greens Leader
For Christine, it’s tears of blood over logging, but John Williamson’s hit song has helped the cause: Over the hill they go, killing another mountainGotta fill the quota – can’t…
Joe’s unpalatable budget cuts for quick sale – wicked!
Budget butcher Joe Hockey tries to make his wicked cuts look palatable – nice try Joe! Link to related column published in The Sydney Morning Herald on 11 August 2014:…
For duplicitous ‘Jekyll & Hyde’ Tony, lying is just unjust force of Abbott
Alan Austin writing for Independent Australia has produced a three part series: IS AUSTRALIA RUN BY COMPULSIVE LIARS? Part One: When is a porky a sackable offence? 12 April 2014…
Bad news for babes in the Tasmanian wilderness
The Adventures of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie starring Greens Leader Christine Milne Link to related column by Bob Brown published in The Guardian on 6 March 2014 in which the former…