Good evening and thanks for joining us. You look ridiculous.You need all the joining you can get. You at the ABC are falling apart. Funding cuts must be taking their…
Political and social cartoons, satire and commentary by Bruce Keogh
Good evening and thanks for joining us. You look ridiculous.You need all the joining you can get. You at the ABC are falling apart. Funding cuts must be taking their…
Hello my dear Liberal Party switchboard operator. Please put me through to NBN Co – that’s the National Broadband Network Company – if my carrier pigeon didn’t arrive there 30…
Budget butcher Joe Hockey tries to make his wicked cuts look palatable – nice try Joe! Link to related column published in The Sydney Morning Herald on 11 August 2014:…
Alan Austin writing for Independent Australia has produced a three part series: IS AUSTRALIA RUN BY COMPULSIVE LIARS? Part One: When is a porky a sackable offence? 12 April 2014…
Would Senator George Brandis dare dispute Einstein’s Theory of Relativity? Brandis: E = mc2 etc is just a maze of formulas that has nothing to do with reality. And if…
The curtain is to close on our super-hero key independents –THE CROSSBENCHERS Independent MP Tony Windsor has joined fellow crossbencher, independent Rob Oakeshott, in announcing he’s quitting politics at the…
In retrospect: Q&A 14 May 2012 – gay marriage watershed moment Joe Hockey verbatim: I must confess my views have changed since I’ve had children. I think in this life…
5 December 2012 Once upon a time, there was a silly Labor Senator called John Faulkner. He was silly because he believed in quaint old-fashioned notions like ‘political integrity’ and…