The 2025 election is looming, and you have not delivered on key environmental promises from the last election.
That’s right. In fact, we have gone backwards on climate. Labor has approved new and expanded coal mines and gas fields, and Australia is progressing as one of the world’s biggest carbon exporters.
And we are getting away with it – our polling shows no electoral backlash. That’s pretty impressive, don’t you think?
So, when you made those election promises, you knew damn well they weren’t going to happen.
Listen here. I’m a politician, and a very cunning one at that. People turn a blind eye to broken promises if it suits them. Voter apathy is a wonderful thing for pollies, and apathy about climate action is alive and well amongst Australians, God bless them!
Does it not occur to you that other nations burning our fossil fuels will damage our own at-risk environment, through climate change?
If people want to feel all warm and fuzzy about the environment, they can go to a fauna park and cuddle a koala. They can leave the business side of things to me.
By that, you mean with your friends in the fossil fuel sector – the lobby that has you wrapped around its little finger.
Listen here. Australia’s modern-day wealth has come from big business digging holes in the ground and shipping the extracts overseas. We should be grateful to these people.
So, you have no environmental conscience at all.
Better fly. I’m off to the local ALP branch for a galah event. Squawk!