Qantasy Land
This is your captain speaking. Welcome aboard this flight of fantasy – the one you booked but didn’t exist. You’ve been ripped off! Today, we’re doing a consolation tour of…
Political and social cartoons, satire and commentary by Bruce Keogh
This is your captain speaking. Welcome aboard this flight of fantasy – the one you booked but didn’t exist. You’ve been ripped off! Today, we’re doing a consolation tour of…
The dinner party hostess offers nibblies to a male guest – Guest: I checked your kitchen earlier and I am not impressed. Hostess: How dare you! Guest: You should be…
Mother’s reply: How dare you text a bad press message like that! This is going public you know. People are going to assume I am ‘too posh to push’, and…
For conservation organisations, getting worthwhile commercial TV coverage of major global issues, such as species extinction, must be difficult, because we rarely see any. At university, journalists were taught ‘Dog…
Australian Federal Police have raided the parliament house gift shop. The raid followed a call to 2UE’s whisper line by an anonymous tipster citing inside knowledge and details of a…
Every morning, Campbell Cane Toad awoke, headed for the bathroom and kissed himself in the mirror. He then transformed into a besuited political being with the title: Premier of Queensland.…
We’re off we’re off the Wizard, The wonderless Wizard of OzHe’s turned us off, We’ve done a U turn, And this is what we say We know he is a…
As a CSIRO marine scientist examined a tragic creature, a seven-armed octopus discovered in a load of baloney by an abalone diver just off Dunder Heads, he mused, “Could this…
Mothologists are aflutter with the discovery of a new phenomenon unheard of in the annals of mothology. After dusk every evening, humanoids from Sydney’s trendy inner suburbs metamorphose into moths…
Good evening and thanks for joining us. You look ridiculous.You need all the joining you can get. You at the ABC are falling apart. Funding cuts must be taking their…
Hello my dear Liberal Party switchboard operator. Please put me through to NBN Co – that’s the National Broadband Network Company – if my carrier pigeon didn’t arrive there 30…